Tag Archives: Clubs

Welcome To Our Reality

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After months and months of reading about drunk and distracted driving in the news, and noticing how little general public cares about this until it hits close to home, Safe Rides Unlimited has decided to launch this blog where we can keep our readers up to date on the latest news, laws, and stories from those involved in such tragedies.


It seems the laws are getting more lenient than ever about drunk driving, latest one being the kid who killed 4 innocent people and got off because I’m guessing his parents were connected and somehow the attorneys were able to get the kid of on a defense based on “Affluenza”.  So let me get this straight, if you are a rich kid who is used to having what he or she wants, can go around killing people and not be held responsible cause he wasn’t taught limits by the parents?

Well than in my opinion the parents should be held responsible for not teaching their kid the basic morals and respect of life!  I remember before I started safe rides I lost 2 friends in a drunk driving accident and I was distraught for months, one minute we were planning on meeting at a diner on RT 3 and how we were going to follow each others cars and the next watching them lose control, get in an accident and die.

At that point in my life i decided to leave a lucrative career at my families wall street firm and dedicate my life to reducing drunk driving in a practical way.  I started Safe Rides Unlimited with the goal of making a real difference and not just talking about how its bad.  I came to conclusion that unless people are presented with real Transportation alternatives they have no choice but to drive drunk cause of the way the society is setup, alcohol is a HUGE part of American lifestyle, so just saying dont drive drunk wont solve the problem.  I exposed myself to the tragedies and met with those affected, the one memory i will never forget is meeting with the parents of a young girl not even in her teens.  She was hit by a drunk driver coming back from a football game, crossed over to the wrong side of the road and hit that innocent girl, putting her in a wheel chair for life, she couldn’t even breathe on her own or feed herself.  I will never forget that image cause even as a tough guy i couldn’t help but tear up.  The accident was over in seconds but the rest of her life, her families life was changed forever.  The worst part is when something like this happens people get real worked up and offer help initially but than forget about it and move on with their own lives.  who is to help the victims on the long term?

The point I’m making is the effects of drunk driving are not limited to the accident.  it ruins families, think about your child that you raised from birth and is your everything getting hit by a drunk driver.  i know my life would be destroyed and i would never be able to come out of the depression for a second time.

I encourage everyone to come share their stories with us so we can make them available to the masses and hopefully causing some change and making a difference in reducing drunk and distracted driving.