A number of transportation companies are functioning around a simple smart phone app. This smart phone app is designed to connect people who want transportation services with random drivers who have cars and in return passengers are required to pay a so called hefty ‘compensation’ or ‘donation’ for availing these services.
However, the method around which these services work is controversial. Would you like getting a ride to a party with a driver you barely know or you can trust?
Reality Behind These Transportation Services!
- Most of the transportation companies currently operating have broken multiple laws a number of times.
- They have been issued cease and desist orders from the authorities in the past.
- They work on a complex mobile phone app which functions around connecting you with unknown drivers who aren’t technically employees.
- They charge a lot! Large sums of money!
- Most of the drivers don’t really have insurance policies in case of accidents and mishaps!
- People have been killed in accidents by the drivers of these companies themselves.
- There have been a number of sexual harassment incidents as well with people using the services of these cars.
- These companies don’t really hold responsibility if something goes wrong!
How Can You Land In To Trouble?
If you want transportation services to and from a party, would you consider the services of a random driver? What if you were drunk?
- If you are drunk, an unknown driver would get you in trouble in a lot of ways.
- As your senses are impaired, you are more prone to getting robbed.
- Sexual harassment and sexual assault cases are common with such drivers.
- If the driver lands in to an accident, you will have to face the consequences as well.
- Sharing a ride isn’t really preferable, especially with unknown and untrustworthy passengers and drivers.
- You could end up paying a large, unexpected amount of money.
Why Safe Rides?
Opposite to how these controversial companies operate, we operate through website reservations or you can simply give us a call. As we are a charity organization, registered, you can feel safe with us; all our drivers are skilled enough.
Our main aim is to minimize drunken driving incidents and distracted driving incidents; your safety is our priority. Fortunately, we have been able to fulfill that promise and have saved almost 20,000 people from drunken driving.
Opposite to the limited collection of vehicles other services offer, we have connections with above 60 metropolitan limo companies with almost 2500 cars available. We believe in a more practical approach, we are not a group of computer programmers running a company through software applications, neither do we charge extra. In fact, our solid connections with limo companies help us to get really low rates and we pass on that rate to our customers.
We make your experience as fun and entertaining as possible by providing you luxury cars and excellent timely services. Your safety is our priority and we simply can’t hold a computer algorithm responsible for it!
To book an affordable, fun and safe ride, call us now at 888-656-7233 or visit our website www.saferides.org.